Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Letter 2 My Baby Girl Gisselle

 Dearest Gisselle,
           I miss you so very much, my whole world seems upside down lately. I've done things i shouldn't have done for whatever reason.. Some days i feel as if i am going insane. I miss you so much, daddy misses you so much. Your big sister Sarai is keeping us busy, i think she misses you too. Your big brother Isaiah is doing great, I'm sure he misses you. Most days we have unbearable moments, i guess having to get back to reality so soon took a toll on us, esp me i can admit. I don't know if i coming or going most days. I would give almost anything to hold you, see you, feel you. Sunday you will be 5months, i know you would've been starting to do such amazing things and you loved sitting up even at 2 months so i know you would be sitting by now. Probably even holding your own bottle i am sure. Your hair might have been so long by now, it wasn't going to fall out, i just know that because i am your mommy. I don't know how i have made it 2 months with out, seemed impossible but its true regardless of what is going on and what is around us, life has to go on. Your memory will live with us forever, i promise you this. When we have more children, know that he/she will never replace and they will know their sister Gisselle they never met. Watch over your family and know that we miss you so very much. I know you must see us cry often, i know you must see us struggle moving on & i am sorry its so hard on us, we're trying to be as strong as possible, i promise. you must look at the way things have changed & wonder what i am doing & i don't have an answer for that, guide me if you must, mommy is not perfect like you were. I pray you don't feel we failed you in any way. Sometimes i wonder, maybe if we didn't make you too comfortable you'd still be here =( But, to move on i have to believe its for a reason. Say hello to grandma for me & keep her company, i know she loves you very much. I love you Gisselle & i will see u Saturday... P.S. things are tough right now but we will get you your grave marking, i promise, we haven't and will never forget about you... Mommy loves you always... Send me a smile in my dreams please...S.I.P

My Battle Moving Forward ::

So, i have been battling these feelings inside of me lately...
This craving for a baby & I can't help but wonder why exactly...
Is it because I've lost my baby girl going on 2 months Saturday?
Is it because my body knows I would have a 5month old as of Sunday coming up?
It is because deep inside I need to give this love to someone?
It is because my family just doesn't seem complete anymore?
My life has made a 360 degree change in the pass 2 months & I've messed things up big time in so many ways...
But for the most part I can't even seem to care that most of it is for the worst..
I only seem to want a baby.
Some tell me to wait its too soon..
Some tell me it may have a negative affect on me...
Some say its not the right thing to do...
Some say no
Some say yes
You know what i say
I say I don't know what the reason is,
I don't know why I want a baby so soon.
I don't know if i will.
I don't know if its the right or wrong thing to do,
But I do know if i do...
My baby would be loved by US & that's all that matters.
My baby will never need no matter how hard things got.
No one else would be helping or supporting our child so its no one's decision but ours.
No one is hurting as much as we are for our loss. (although many are hurting)
This battle is mine & mine alone & well my husband's, I would need him ;)
My cousin recently had a baby a few days ago, I couldn't go see him, I couldn't bare the thought of holding another baby, because the last baby I held was my Gisselle.
I cried at the thoughts alone BUT today I wok up & said i need to see him...
So, I did &&&&& Oh My Gosh, I fell in love, he didn't smell like my Gisselle & he didn't quite feel like her but he was Noah to me & I knew this is great, I am okay to be around babies...
I filled with love & Its not quite a healing but it is a step forward with one of my battles =)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Days That Pass

Most days I can make it through the day just fine.
Most days I can pretend to be ok, pretend nothing is bothering me.
Then, there are those days when my world feels crumbled into pieces.
There are days when it’s hard to breathe
Days when my chest is heavier than normal
Days when the tears build up behind my eyes more than usual
Days when I just don’t know how I am living on most of the time
No one has answers for me
Some say God saw I needed rest
My answer is “No I didn’t, she was worth the sleepless nights”
Some say God has his reasons
I say, Please tell me those reasons so I understand them
Some say God is looking for me
I say why through her it had to be
Some say they have no words for me
I say those seem to be the best words, nothing at all
Some say it’ll get easier
I say please tell me when because I don’t believe you
Everyone says be strong
I say this is as strong as its going to get for me
I go to work, stay busy and I can just think she is at home with my husband
I come home and her car seat is sitting on my living room floor instead of the back seat of the car
I get rid of most of her things yet I still look for her
I have the urge to make her bottles; it’s as if I still feel her
I don’t fold my laundry because I hate that her clothes are missing from the pile
I look at the pictures on my wall and I wonder what she is doing
I look at babies her age and picture her
I say I had 3 children not I have 3 children and it breaks me apart inside
I long for her scent so I smell the same dirty shirt over and over again
I long for her smile, touch, hug.
I miss her every moment of every day and sometimes I feel like she’ll come back to me
But I know that is just me in denial.
I find myself so angry at parents who don’t take good care of their kids
Angry at people who take their kids for granted
Some days I am angry at God for taking her
Some days I am angry at my mom for being with her
Some days I spend all day wondering what I did wrong
Some days I sit and ask why all day
Some days I want to have another baby
Some days I don’t even want to look at babies
Most days I live in fear of losing someone else
Most days I am struggling to hold tears back
Most days I am struggling to stay strong
Most days I am wondering what I could have done differently
But every day I know there are no answers to my wonders, questions or heartaches
Every day I know there’s nothing different we could have done to change the outcome
I am only so thankful I have no regrets
Thankful I was able to have her for 3months
Thankful I gave birth to such a beautiful angel
Thankful that I am only guaranteed to see her again one day
Thankful that although I am not whole again, I am stronger than I was before
Thankful that I was & I am the mother of Gisselle Cassandra Torres

She Belongs Here With Me

Don’t tell me to be strong
It’s impossible, this only makes me wea
she belongs here with me
Don’t say it’ll be okay
You’re lying to my face
Don’t say you feel my pain
You have no idea what this is like
She belongs here with me
Don’t compare this to your loss
Unless you have buried your child the same
Don’t tell me how to feel
I lost a major part of me
So I will deal with my loss my way
Don’t tell me to move on
You’re just being cruel if you do
Because she belongs here with me
Don’t tell me have another baby
Gisselle could never be replaced
Don’t tell me I still have other kids
I think I know this to be true
But she belongs here with my other 2
& It doesn’t mean I don’t miss my #3
Don’t tell me God gives me nothing I can’t handle
Because this pain is just too real
She belongs here with me
Don’t tell me at least I am alive
Because no parent should see her child in a coffin
When she belongs here with me
Don’t tell me I need to pray
It’s all I do, the pain is still here
& I Know Its because she belongs here with me
Don’t tell me she’s watching over me
Because she belongs here with me
Don’t tell me she’s with my mother
she belongs here with me
Don’t tell me she’s in a better place
 She belongs in my arms here with me
Don’t tell me she’s most loved in heaven
Because no one could love her more than me
Don’t tell me God needed her
I needed her more, I still do
She belongs to me
She belongs with me
She was made for me
& she belongs here with me

Weeks & Days

36 weeks of pregnancy & back aches
36 weeks of feeling tired, sick and hungry non stop
36 weeks of hormones driving me insane
36 weeks I complained she wasn’t coming soon enough
36 weeks of pregnancy & I wouldn’t take it back at all
36 weeks of waiting to meet my special # 3
4 Weeks spent choosing the perfect name
36 weeks waiting to hold her, smell her and kiss her
12 weeks to bath her, dress her & brush her hair
12 weeks of smelling her, kissing her & caring for her
12 weeks of feedings every 3 hours
12 weeks of sleepless night
12 weeks of amazing irreplaceable love
12 weeks of teaching
48 weeks of planning her life
1 Halloween we shared
1 Thanksgiving we shared
1 Christmas we shared
& 1 New Year’s we had together
So many things I had planned beyond 12 weeks of life
I spent so much time wondering at how many months she would walk
I wondered what her favorite first food was going to be
So many dreams of her & her sister being side by side
So many hopes for what she would learn
So many wonders about her attitude
So many plans for her hair styles
So many kisses I have left for her
So many hugs I need from her
So many secrets we were to supposed to share
So many reasons why I need her here
So many reasons why this is all wrong
So many questions unanswered
36 weeks I carried my baby girl inside of me
36 weeks I waited to hold her in my arms
12 weeks I was given to show her how much I loved her
I could count her life in weeks
I could count her life in days
My daughter’s life can be counted in weeks or days
There is no greater pain than this fact
Make every day count

Love Forever Hers

Love at first sight
Joy you could never even imagine
A smile that would melt your heart
A coo that would sing melodies to you
A smell only a mother could love
A warmth in your arms wanted for a lifetime
A child so sweet, a child from within me
Unconditional love, undeniable love
An angel to all that knew her
An angel taken way too soon
An angel I long to hold again
Love at first sight, love at last sight
Love to last a lifetime
Love that is forever hers
Whether it be here or in the heavens
This love is forever hers


          & Then there were 2, our perfect family of 5 has become a family of 4 in a matter of seconds… Most days went as follows; my husband slept in the morning while my 7 year old was at school, I attended to my girls, one being 18months and the other 3 months. This is all we knew, our children, making bottles, changing diapers and doing homework. My husband would wake up; by then I am dressed for work and my girls are dressed to go. We load the girls into their car seats and pick up our son from school and ride out to take me to work.  Our car sits 5, the backseat consist of 2carseats and my son in between them, I’ve always felt so bad about it but he didn’t mind, those are his sisters, it seemed perfect. My husband drops me off and goes home to be with the kids while I am working. He feeds the kids and changes the diapers, best father I know. By 9pm I am getting out of work and my husband is outside with our 3 children waiting to take me home. I get in the house and 5minutes later he’s walking out the door for work. Everyone always ask how we do it with such hard schedules but the only answer is, we have no choice, it’s all for our children. We wouldn’t change that at all, no matter how tired we are. It’s a huge challenge but worth it, we make a great team.
         But now, there are no more bottles to make and less pampers to change. There’s less laundry to wash, less reasons to wake up during the night, less reasons to go running from one room to another when you hear one of the kids making noise and less reasons to love the baby section in stores.
Our perfect number 5 has become a 4 in a matter of seconds.
How do we stand these quiet moments when all we’re use to is always having one of the kids up to make noise.
How do we look pass the spot the crib use to be in, how do we look at the empty spot where the car seat use to be.
How do we take pictures of just 2 kids when it’s supposed to be 3 of them?
How do we sit everyday wondering what if?
How do we look pass all the little things that complete our days that are no longer around.
How do I do laundry and not see a size 3months in it, how do we shop for diapers and only get one size now.
How do we later explain to our little one that she once had a baby sister?
How do we pretend to be okay everyday while feeling as if a part of us is missing?
How do we remain strong for our other 2 when deep down, we’re dying of hurt.
How do we move pass what is every parent’s worst nightmare.
Tell me how please….
How are we to ever feel complete when our number 5 has become a 4?

My First Moments In Losing My Daughter

           Standing at a register ringing a customer up, I will now never forget this customer, an older man buying a blackberry tablet case, wanting to price match it to our online price and so I was doing it without a fight when the phone rang. And so, my horror story begins with my job phone ringing.  The doctor then asked for me and my first thought was shit I must owe a bill, damn… Of course I didn’t think my children because when I left to work they were all in perfect health and just fine. They were in good hands, the hands of my husband who I trust with my life and those of my children.  The doctor then states “I have your daughter here and need you to come to the hospital” so I reply “wait, what? Which daughter, why?” He asked me if I had a way to get there and I ask to speak to my husband. On the phone my husband manages to say through tears that “she’s gone”. I felt my heart drop, all I know at this point I am no longer next to the register, but far back screaming “what are you talking about, is she breathing”. “Joseph, tell me your lying please, not my baby, tell me you’re lying, I don’t understand”. As I glance around I don’t remember much but being in the arms of like 4 people as they try to carry me out of the store, I could see every customer staring at me and yet I was in a daze, heart aching in disbelief, body falling low to the ground and my friend Jenn crying as she’s trying to get me to the car. I remember my other co-workers holding me up; it was a nightmare I failed to believe, a nightmare I still don’t believe.
My car ride consisted of many, many tears. I tried calling my aunt but couldn’t reach her, only reached my cousin who just wanted answers I didn’t yet have but at least for a moment I was calm while trying to tell him my many I don’t knows.  I know my sis in law called me and I don’t remember much but me saying, tell me he’s lying and her saying we’re on our way. My neighbor also called, asking what I knew and if I was at the hospital yet. I don’t remember much of that conversation either. Turns out she tried CPR on my baby girl so she knew firsthand what I had in store for me at the hospital.
          Walking through the hospital doors felt like I was dreaming, for the first time it seemed crowded to me. My brother in law walked out of a room I didn’t even know existed.  The man at the desk asked me to stay outside of the room and wait but my brother in law told me to come in and so I did.  Of course I see everyone sitting with tears in their eyes, faces red and not one word was spoken. I just remember going up to my husband and hitting him over and over in his chest until I fell into his arms. I felt like I was there forever screaming and crying.  My crying went on and off for I don’t know how long. It was like a chain reaction, as if everyone in the room felt the pain in me because when I cried they cried. At the time I barely knew anyone else was there because I was in my own world waiting. The whole time not understand, screaming why me, cursing my Lord out, confused, lost, helpless and hurt like no other hurt in this world. I lost my mother just 11 months ago, Feb 20, 2011 and so I thought I knew what hurt was because I cry all the time missing her, but trust me when I say there is no hurt worse than losing your own child.
        Next I remember more crying and screaming, the people there telling me I couldn’t see my daughter until the detectives came so I tried remaining calm until then. But while sitting there, trying to understand what was happening; seconds felt like minutes, minutes felt like hours. It was by far one of the longest moments of my life. Next thing I knew I am opening a door screaming “what the fuck am I waiting for, I don’t understand”. People rush to my side to keep me from disturbing others in the hospital I guess. Next thing I know detectives are in our faces saying they need to speak to us. I screamed I wasn’t there and waited to see my baby, so they let me see her while my husband spoke to the detective. Walking to the room was torture; it was the longest walk of my life, the lady was afraid to let me go because she thought I was going to hit the floor.  So I see a room with white curtains, cops standing around it and nurses by the computer. I walk in and see my baby Gisselle laying there, looking so peaceful, she has white tape on her face from when they tried putting the tubes in to get her to breathe. Her skin color had already been faded and she seems pale, her hair was still so beautiful and I wanted to hold her so bad. I would’ve given anything for one more second with her. My last kiss was while putting her into her car seat before heading to work, I changed her diaper and shirt right before we left as well, and dressing her was my favorite besides playing with her hair. I loved her hair so much because her sister was a bald baby and I looked forward to doing her hair every day. Well from here began a new journey, the loss of my baby girl and I will be writing a blog about it. I know you’re wondering how and I will tell in my next blog…